Announcement of Vacancy Opening Until Filled
Believers’ Wanted
Job Description:
Position Requirements – to be Born Again
Position Level – Eternal Life
Location – Earth with the promise of Heaven
Education – Elementary/Romans 10:9
Hours – a Life Span
Salary – Unlimited 1Timothy 5:18
Benefits – Jesus Christ
Responsibilities – to accept Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior and be responsible for your own salvation. Take the initiative to study your bible to learn how to live out your new life in Jesus Christ. Search for a church home where the Word of God is taught so you can grow spiritually. Join a ministry that interests you. And, always make room for God to move!
Duties are – to believe, trust, obey, and rely on the Lord; that produces faith that will please God, allow Jesus Christ the opportunity to bring you through your trials and tribulations, practice waiting on Him; He will move. Believe He is your healer and that He will Provide for you. Know that Jesus Christ keeps His promises, and that He is a man that cannot lie. In addition, you must pray without ceasing, study to show thyself approved unto God a workman need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (Study God’s Word), love thy neighbor as thyself and seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Take time to volunteer/serve – to experience the robust transaction of euphoria only provided in volunteering-serving; it has its own characteristics.
Qualifications: to be a Believer- Human Being of Any Culture…
The Position is open until filled…Matthew 24:14
Note: to believe is to study and read God’s Word! You cannot trust and believe by emotions; there’s an assurance that’s coupled with you spiritually through the Word that binds..