Yes, God asked Satan “Job 1:8 – had he considered His Servant Job.” Job 1:9-11 Satan replies, Job loves and worships you for a good reason you have protected him and blessed him in a mighty way; who wouldn’t serve and honor you. Remove your hand and he will curse
you. Job 1:12 God replies, “all that Job has is in your power to do as you will, but his life put not your hand”.
God allowed the life of his servant to be placed in the hand of the enemy. You see Job’s wealth was not only in his family and his material things. His wealth was his relationship with God. However Job received his wealth by inheritance or by working the field that God blessed him to prosper. But, what is very clear is that Job had a personal relationship with God. And, his relationship with Jesus Christ gave him the power to pray in authority against Satan and to stand with God no matter what. A prayer life will develop spiritual wealth and a healthy Christian Life. Is your prayer life healthy?
If we are born to die then why not die in Jesus Christ; wouldn’t it be to your advantage to seek the life Jesus Christ designed for you? With prayer being the threshold to that life and the solution for a life that’s born to die. Why not pray? It’s the entrance to heaven and eternal life in Jesus Christ. The transition from dark to light is to continue in prayer; for the afflictions will come obeying God or not or obeying; transition from dark to light gives you a better quality of life even in trials and tribulations. Take authority and pray.
Allow prayer to bring “you” to an experience that gives love, hope and understanding that during times of trouble you can stand and rest in Jesus Name; to watch God loose Satan’s grip and bring you too “if it had not been for it” I would not KNOW Jesus Christ. Thank you for the pain that hurt so deep that moved me to pray in Jesus Name. For I am better for it… I have been changed to serve.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
But I have Prayed for you: Luke 22:23 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren
Just like God told Peter, Satan asked to sift you like wheat. But, I (me) Jesus Christ is praying for you that your faith in me will not fail. And, when you have overcome Satan’s attacks, “and you will” go and help others. Share with them and teach them how you overcame. And, let them know that it is in the Name of Jesus Christ that you are victorious; that your prayer life became strong and powerful with the shield of faith and the knowledge of knowing Jesus Christ. The Making of a Servant; Thy Kingdom Come… Changed for Service Ephesians 2:1-6